Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Party like it's 1999

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:04 PM
Recently we went up to Wellington to celebrate Brianne's friend, Abby Goldasich's second birthday. It's funny to me to think that when we attended Abby's first birthday party, I was still pregnant. Kids parties are so much more fun when you go with a little kid of your own! Abby's parents threw her a super fun party, with a bounce house and a surprise special guest - Dora the Explorer! While Brianne seemed excited to meet Dora, I think her favorite part of the day was exploring all the toys in Abby's play room and spending time with her friends, Abby, Abby's new baby sister Peyton, Bradley DiPaolo and Tyler Child. There were a lot of bigger kids there too, and it's hard to believe that pretty soon, she'll be screaming right along with them, playing and enjoying being a kid.

Here we are in the play room at Abby's birthday party.

Of all the cool things in there, I think she liked the red spinning top the most.

Look at all those babies! From left to right: Tiffany with Baby Tyler, Lauren with Birthday girl Abby and Baby Peyton, Alona with Baby Bradley, and me and Brianne.

Brianne with Dora the Explorer. She may not look it in this picture, but she is getting ready to burst with excitement at meeting Dora.


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