Sunday, August 2, 2009

Attack of the Eye Boogies

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:30 PM
On Friday, July 31, Brianne turned 2 weeks old! Unbelieveable how time flies. We celebrated her 2-week birthday by going to the doctor for her 2 week check up. What an uncool mom I am, taking her to the doctor for her special day. I'll have to step up my game for the next birthday. She did very well at the doctor. She is growing like a weed and is very healthy overall. The day before, her eye was looking kind of gooey, so it was very fortunate we already had this appointment scheduled. The doctor said this was very common for babies, and prescribed eye drops and tear duct massage. Yes, tear duct massage. Apparently her tear ducts are still immature and can get clogged - learn something knew every day.

Getting situated in the doctors office - no waiting in the Waiting Room for us (not that we're special or anything, all new borns go right in so the sick kids dont infect them).

Brianne resting after getting poked and measured by Nurse Jody. No shots today, but she sure does not like the nurse and doctor invading her personal space.


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