Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back to the Beginning

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 2:54 PM
This week has been full of doctor's appointments, for me as well as for Brianne. For Brianne, we went back to her birth place - Memorial Hospital West in Pembroke Pines - to get an ultrasound on her hips. At Brianne's pediatrician appointments, our doctor has been checking to make sure her hips are aligning correctly. While her right hip has aligned properly, her left hip hasn't quite gotten with the program, and is still clicking.

Brianne has a sixth sense about doctors offices, meaning, she knows as soon as she enters a doctors office and starts screaming like she's being chased by the devil. When we got to the hospital (after nearly side swiping 2 other cars while Mommy tried to park the Tahoe), Brianne actually did pretty well in the waiting room, sitting calmy and patiently (i.e. asleep). Even when the ultrasound tech started fiddling with her hips, she remained calm for another 2 minutes before realizing where she was. It was lucky for us that we had a very experienced tech who knew how to wrangle uncooperative, screamy babies.

We got the call from our doctor today with the results and she is referring us to a pediatric orthopedic surgeon. Don't faint just yet - Brianne doesnt need surgery, our doctor just wants a specialist to check Brianne and see what steps we can take to correct the hip issue before it gets worse. Hopefully all it will take to fix it is to put her in two diapers at a time - apparently this fixed my hips when I was a little baby.

Brianne's sixth sense about doctor's offices isn't limited to her own appointments, she also dislikes going to my doctor's appointments. I had a check up with my OB/GYN that I brought Brianne to (big mistake), and as soon as walked in the office, Brianne's screaming went from zero to sixty in 3 seconds. I think we traumatized the pregnant ladies in the waiting room (I swear I saw one lean over to her husband and mouth "what have we done??")

At the end of the day, we are both doing just fine, though I think Marty will be required to go with me to all Brianne's future appointments for moral support.

Here we are getting ready to walk into the hospital. Brianne literally started fussing as soon as we crossed the threshold of the building.

Here we are in the waiting room. I had just given her a bottle, so she was content to sit in the waiting room for a bit until the tech was ready for us.


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