Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shamu and Sea Lions and Dolphins... Oh My!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 12:29 PM
This past weekend, we went on our first weekend getaway with Brianne to Orlando to visit Sea World. I was initally a little nervous to go on a trip with Brianne and ruining her new routine, but she actually did very well. I think this was largely in part to Grandma Mimi spending time with her during the days while Mommy and Daddy got to go and enjoy some alone time. Brianne enjoyed spending time with Grandma and Marty's cousin Rosemary (we stayed at Rosemary's house), and being in close proximity to Disney World. We are easing her into the Disney experience veeery slowly :o) This visit, she got to wear a special Minnie Mouse outfit. Maybe next time, we'll drive by the exit to Disney on our way home... Brianne also enjoyed meeting her Great Uncle Don and Great Aunt Debbie (Grand-dad Steve's brother and sister-in-law) during the trip.

Mom and Dad had a lot of fun at Sea World. On Sunday, we got to meet some of their resident animals up close and personal. While we really enjoyed the experience, all we could think about was how much fun it will be to bring Brianne when she's a bit older. All in all, we had a fantastic weekend and look forward to going back to Orlando soon!

Marty getting his hand gnawed on by some sting rays. I fed them as well, and it feels like getting your hand sucked on by a vacuum cleaner. Very cool, though kind of creepy.

Here I am feeding a dolphin. Also very cool, though I was kind of freaked out to have my hand so close to its mouth!

Here is Brianne relaxing at Rosemary's house in her Minnie Mouse outfit. She tried to convince us to take her to Disney by doing a Disney World cheer routine, but we could not be swayed. Maybe next time :o)

Brianne enjoying a visit with her Great Uncle Don and Great Aunt Debbie.


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