Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fun on the Flip Side

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:18 AM
To help strengthen Brianne's little neck and back muscles, we've started doing Tummy Time. For those of you not living in 3 hour increments with a newborn, this means putting the baby on her stomach for as long as she'll tolerate it, and letting her try to move her head around to look up at you or a toy. Considering she cant hold her head up when we're assisting her, this is more challenging than one might think. But that's why Tummy Time is so important! So she can (hopefully someday soon) not be a little bobble head.

The first time we did Tummy Time, she lasted for about 4 minutes before screaming like a banshee. Cooper was so concerned about her that he brought her a toy to soothe her. It was so cute. She doesnt like Tummy Time much now, but hopefully she'll grow to enjoy it. We sure like watching her try :o)

Brianne after about a minute of Tummy Time. She actually lifted her head up to look at me, but the effort exhausted her.

Cooper brought his favorite toy to Brianne to cheer her up after she got tired of Tummy Time. It's that green thing on her blanket (it used to be a turtle before he mangled it).


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