Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Brianne is 1 Month Old!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 1:31 PM
On Monday, August 17, Brianne turned one month old! She had her one month check up the Thursday before and is doing very well. She has changed so much in the one month since she was born, it's kind of hard to believe. The little sleepy lump we first brought home is, well, still sleeping, but she is awake for longer periods of time during the day and is becoming more alert. She will follow the sound of your voice to look at you, and she is moving her head around with more control, though her neck is still a bit floppy - but there is definite improvement! She is making a wider variety of sounds, and we are enjoying her coos and squawks (it's fun to see the surprised look on her face when you mimic one of her sounds back to her).

She's also making a wider variety of facial expressions, some involuntarily but some with definite purpose. She is even starting to smile at us! We are having so much fun learning about our little person, and seeing her change by the day. I always have my camera handy since it seems like she is doing something new and different all the time!

We finally caught the elusive smile on camera!

This is my current favorite picture of Brianne. What a peanut - she is just too cute for words.


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