Friday, August 21, 2009

Multi-tasker's Paradise

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 11:07 AM
One of the many things parenting has taught us is the art of multi-tasking. We thought we were pretty good at multi-tasking already, however, Brianne has shown us new and interesting ways to put that skill to use.

Here is Marty talking on the phone, surfing the internet, petting the dog AND feeding the baby. No wonder he has such ADD. (Note: This is not a staged picture, he is actually doing all these things simultaneously - for real).

Brianne was being a little fussy, so I tried putting her in the sling and carrying her around so she could be close to me while keeping my hands free. Here is a picture of me assembling lasagna for dinner. Brianne is that lump in the sling (side note: And I thought a 7 lb baby was heavy. Anyone who carries and gives birth to a nine-pound or more baby deserves a medal!). Don't worry, I put her down in her Pack N Play when working near the stove or putting dinner in the oven.


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