Thursday, August 13, 2009

So Fresh and So Clean

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:51 AM
Now that Brianne's umbilical stump has fallen off, we can give her a real bath in her big-girl bath tub! You can see how much we like pink, even her bath tub is super girly. It was stressful for Mommy and Daddy getting her completely ready for her bath since we had to take off her diaper. We feared that we'd be getting a shower of our own before we even got her into the bathroom. Ick.

But Brianne cooperated perfectly and only cried a little bit when we set her down into the warm water, which I think was more out of shock at the new sensation. Once she got in there, she actually smiled a little bit! We weren't sure how long our no-crying luck would last, so we soaped her up and rinsed her off in record time - well, as fast as we could considering she was as slippery as a greased (but clean) piggy.

She surprised us again with staying cheerful through her whole bath. What a good girl!

On a side note to all you parents out there, I just heard that Johnson's baby products have formaldehyde in them, so we've switched to California Baby baby wash (thanks Alona and Lauren for the tip). If you dont believe me, google "formaldehyde in baby products".

No more sponge baths for me! And see what nice parents we are, covering her lady business up for the camera.

Brianne enjoying getting her hair shampooed - this is mommy's favorite part of getting her hair done too :o)

Normally, we have to chase Cooper down to get him into the bathroom for his bath, but he wanted to supervise and make sure Brianne was ok. Cooper is almost camouflaged against our white bathroom (that's him under the toilet paper).


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