Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Take a Ride on the Fuss Bus

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 9:34 AM
Brianne is a fantastic baby, but every once in awhile, she decides to see how loud she can get before Mommy and Daddy want to pull their hair out. She has plenty to eat, a clean diaper, gas bubbles all burped out, lots of cuddles, but nothing can console her. That's why I think she just likes to see if she can beat her screaming record from the day before. Or maybe she just takes after Marty in that she likes to hear herself talk :o)

We are very lucky that she seems only to get fussy in the evening for a few hours, but then goes right to sleep at bed time. She has been getting into a routine of sleeping from 11:30pm to 4:00am, eating for 15 minutes, then sleeping until 7:00am. This is way better than waking up every 2 hours, though we are definitely looking forward to sleeping through the night, hopefully sometime in the near future (and before we are both completely bald from hair pulling).

Brianne on the Fuss Bus. Wow, that's a mad face.


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