Friday, August 21, 2009

Mary Had a Little Lamb Swing

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 10:58 AM
One of the many fun baby items we received during our shower was a Fisher-Price Cradle N Swing. It is adorable, and oh so snuggly. And the cutest part is the head piece that looks like a lamb. When we first brought Brianne home, we tried putting her in it, but it swung so fast we thought she was going to get tossed right out of it. So it has been sitting in a spare room until recently. Now that Brianne is a little bigger (and fussier), out came the lamb swing for round 2. It still swings with a fury, but she seems to really enjoy it. And if it lets Mommy and Daddy have a few minutes to eat dinner while it's still hot, then we'll risk it (and just clip her in really good).

Brianne spending some time in her lamb swing.


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