Thursday, September 10, 2009

All That Jazz

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 9:31 AM
This past weekend, we celebrated Labor Day by going to the Sunday Jazz Brunch in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. Grand dad Steve and Grandma Janet live right next to River Front, so we were able to park at their condo building and walk over to where the event was being held. Dad stayed at home to do some work, so Mom and Brianne got to spend some fun time together along with Grand dad and Grandma.

The weather held up and was overcast all day, which was a blessing because it was still hot as blazes outside. The heat wasn't too bad since it was cloudy, but the humidity was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Brianne got to wear her special tank top onesie so she was cool as a cucumber, well, a somewhat sweaty cucumber. We set up under some trees on the lawn at the River Front area, and had a great time enjoying some live jazz music and spending some time outside. Jazz Brunch is held the first Sunday of every month, so we are looking forward to going back in the next few months when it's a bit cooler outside.

Brianne got to stretch out on her blanket under a big tree. She was fascinated by the the swaying branches and the sunshine coming through the leaves. We even saw an iguana!

Here is Mom and Brianne listening to jazz. There were tons of other kids with their parents (you can see the other strollers in the background), so I am looking forward to bringing her back when she's a bit older.

It was so sticky outside, we stripped Brianne down to her diaper once we got back to Grand dad's house. She enjoyed a nice cool sponge bath, and some time bonding with Grand dad Steve.


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