Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's All in the Hips

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:39 AM
We had our follow up appointment for Brianne's hip issue yesterday, September 2 at Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital . The orthopedic surgeon we saw was very nice, and explained to us that Brianne's left hip hasn't quite fused in the socket as it should. The term he used to describe the way her leg bone fit in the socket was that it was "squishy" - I think he saw our eyes glazing over when he started talking about subluxation (at least I think that's the word he used)....

He said that her hip may correct itself on its own, so we are going to wait another 3 weeks when we will have a follow up ultrasound. If her hip is still "squishy" at that time, she will have to wear a brace over her clothes for a month or two. The best news is that no surgery will be required since it was caught early enough. Hooray! If left unchecked, her hip could have further displaced, causing problems when she started crawling and walking, and potentially early arthritis in the hip - yikes.

On a side note, I mentioned to the doctor that I had a hip issue when I was a baby, and that my doctor put me in two diapers. He said that the two-diaper fix is an old wives tale and doesn't actually work. No wonder my hip still clicks... At least Brianne will be click free when this is all said and done!

Brianne waiting patiently in the waiting room (She got all her screaming out on the car ride to the hospital. Thank goodness we always keep an emergency bottle on hand.)

Here we are in the examination room waiting for the doctor (who incidentally lives in Marty's legislative district and recognized Marty - too funny). Here is Brianne covering her face trying to make herself invisible.


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