Friday, September 18, 2009

What a Difference a Month a Makes

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 11:19 AM
Yesterday, September 17, marked Brianne's two-month birthday. Each day is flying by in the blink of an eye, so we are working hard to savor every minute of being with her. We kicked off her special day with a Mommy and Me class, but unfortunately, had to follow it with a trip to her pediatrician for her first shots. It was probably more traumatizing for me than it was for her. She only cried for about a minute, and I think I cried almost all the way home. She didn't have any adverse reactions, though she has a been a little extra sleepy yesterday and today. She is growing very well, though the pediatrician thought the nurse must have measured her wrong since she seemed to be exploding length-wise. I think she measured right since Brianne is wearing 3-6 month size onesies already because her torso is so long.

Some other things that have changed about Brianne are her eyes are getting blue-er by the day. She is more alert, and can pay attention to us or her toys for longer stretches of time. Her blonde hair is starting to come in (she has reverse roots - blonde roots and brown ends). She has better head control, though it's still a bit wobbly. She is babbling and smiling more frequently, which is so much fun. Most importantly, she has slept through the night (10:30pm - 6:30am) almost every night this week! Fingers crossed that she keeps that up - I hope I didn't just jinx us.

Here we are getting some lunch at Toojay's with Marty's parents. Brianne had a nice time looking around at all the new people and smelling the yummy food.

Still working on our Tummy Time. Brianne really doesn't like being on her stomach, but we're doing the best we can!


Lummer on September 21, 2009 at 5:40 AM said...

She looks happy on the tummy time. She will love it soon! Before you know it she will be driving you to Toojays for lunch!

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