Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wrapper's Delight

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 3:47 AM
Brianne is going to have a new little cousin at the end of October, and she is so excited. This past weekend, our cousin Kristin and her husband Rich had their baby shower up in New York in preparation to welcome their little boy. Unfortunately, we couldn't go since Brianne is too little to fly... and planes are flying cess pools of disease, but we celebrated the new arrival at home by cheering the Gators' win over University of Tennessee (there was no singing of Rocky Top for us, thank you very much).

The week before, we shipped our present up, and Brianne had a great time helping Mommy wrap gifts. I gave her a piece of tissue paper, and she loved crunching it up in her tiny hand and waving it around. I think she had a better time playing with that piece of tissue paper than any of these crazy developmental toys we have.

Here is Brianne helping wrap presents. She was holding the tissue paper until Mommy needed it. What a good helper.

Brianne loves the sound of the crinkly paper. She is also working hard on learning to manipulate her hands and fingers, and getting them to do what she wants. You can almost hear her thinking "I wonder what will happen if I wave my arms around like this..."

Brianne gave the tissue paper a hug after having so much fun with it.


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