Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Called to the Principal's Office

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:15 AM
Brianne recently had her first trip to the Principal's office. No, she wasn't behaving badly (unless you count a particularly stinky diaper), we just visited Grandma Mimi at St. David's where she is the principal of the school. Brianne had a great time seeing Mimi's office, and meeting the wonderful staff and teachers who happened to be around during our visit. We had a lot of fun day-dreaming about when Brianne will attend St. David's, just like her Daddy did. Marty was actually part of the first class to attend St. David's when the school opened up over 20 years ago. Another side note, Mommy and Daddy were married in their church, and Brianne will be christened there on October 3, so St. David's will always hold a very special place in our hearts.

Here is Brianne meeting with the Principal (her Grandma Mimi). Lucky for her, she will get off easy this time, but we are working hard to teach her good behavior!

Here is Brianne taking in the view in Mimi's office. I think she is trying to soak up some extra knowledge to get her ready to attend pre-K in a few years.


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