Monday, September 28, 2009

Party Girl

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 8:43 AM
We had a busy couple of days this past weekend. We celebrated our friend Kylie Lum's first birthday on Saturday at her house with her mom Tricia, and a bunch of other friends from Royal Caribbean. It was a lot of fun for Mommy to see everyone, and Brianne had a great time smiling at everyone and singing Happy Birthday.

On Sunday, Marty had his re-election kick off fundraiser party at Lori Parrish's house. Over 300 people came and went throughout the afternoon, and it was overall a big success. Brianne was there to support her Daddy wearing her special American flag-hearts onesie. We also just got a Baby Bjorn and Brianne enjoyed riding around with Mommy and chatting with everyone. Everyone thought Brianne was super cute and such a good baby - this is probably because she was totally unconscious for the majority of the event, but hey, whatever works.

Here we are at Lori's house after everyone left. Brianne enjoyed being along for the ride.

Brianne up close and personal. It would be so nice if someone could carry me around for a change...


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