Monday, September 14, 2009

Mirror Mirror

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:56 PM
Brianne is growing faster than ever, and has changed so much in the two months since she joined our family. She is getting more independent and can easily entertain herself, whether it's with a new toy, or her absolute favorite diversion - her own reflection! She loves to look at herself in the mirror in her Pack N Play, and has a great time chatting to the "other baby" sharing her space. A love of looking at herself in any reflective surface is definitely something she inherited from Marty. Everyone who sees her comments on how much she looks like her Dad, so in addition to his good looks and love of mirrors, I am hoping she will also get his 24/7 cheerful personality and drive to succeed. I am also hoping her blonde hair comes in soon so she will at least look a little like me...

Here is Brianne checking herself out in mirror in her Pack N Play.


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