Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mommy and Me

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:53 AM
If you asked me before having a child if I would be the type to do those Mommy and Me classes, I probably would have looked at you weird and said "um, no". But surprise surprise, Brianne and I have started doing Mommy and Me classes at Nova University as of last week, and we both really enjoy them. Well, I think Brianne likes them - I gauge her liking of something by how little she screams at it.

We are taking two classes, Baby Yoga on Tuesdays and Play Together, Learn Together on Thursdays. So far, they have been a lot of fun for both of us. Brianne likes the songs (her current favorite is "The Wheels on the Bus"), and looking at other babies. I enjoy meeting other moms and doing activities that Brianne can participate in. She's still so little, there's only so much she can do, so these classes are perfect for getting us out of the house, interacting in fun ways with each other, and socializing with new and interesting people.

Most of the other moms are lucky enough to not have to work, so it's pretty much just me who's anxious about returning to the working world in October. But I am still hoping to win Power Ball so I can continue going to baby classes during the middle of the week. I'm not holding my breath on that one, but a mom can dream :o)

Here is Brianne relaxing after Baby Yoga yesterday. She was pretty tired after just completing her Sun Salutations with Warrior series. Just kidding - it was more like baby-sized arm and leg stretches and neck strengthening moves with lots of hugs and kisses for encouragement, but it still wore her out.


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