Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Littlest Rockette

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:58 AM
Brianne's latest trick - kicking her little legs at objects hanging over her. I was sitting on the couch last week, and Brianne was in her Pack N Play looking at her toys. All of a sudden, I heard the jingling of the toys. I remember thinking, how is she making them jingle? There's no way she can reach them. So I went over to see what she was up to, and she was lifting her legs and butt up off the mat and kicking her toys, which were suspended more than 6 inches above her. Six inches doesn't sound like a lot, but for someone who normally lays completely flat, this is a big deal. She was high-kicking like a Rockette at the NYC Christmas Spectacular, and having a blast watching her toys swing all over the place. It's so much fun seeing the new things she's learning to do, we can't wait to see what's next. Who knows - today, kicking toys; tomorrow, the Electric Slide...

Here is Brianne kicking at her toys. She loves making them rattle and watching them swing around.

With all this high-kicking, I guess we'll need to enroll her in dance classes sooner rather than later. She's going to look so cute in a tutu!


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